Process Detail

What is Ninite Firefox Installer.exe ?

Ninite Firefox Installer.exe is known as Ninite and it is developed by Secure By Design Inc. , it is also developed by . We have seen about 100 different instances of Ninite Firefox Installer.exe in different location. So far we haven't seen any alert about this product. If you think there is a virus or malware with this product, please submit your feedback at the bottom.

Ninite Firefox Installer.exe

Something wrong with Ninite Firefox Installer.exe ?

Is Ninite Firefox Installer.exe using too much CPU or memory ? It's probably your file has been infected with a virus. Let try the program named DriverIdentifier to see if it helps.

How to remove Ninite Firefox Installer.exe

If you encounter difficulties with Ninite Firefox Installer.exe , you can uninstall the associated program (Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove programs

What can you do to fix Ninite Firefox Installer.exe ?

Let try to run a system scan with Speed Up My PC to see any error, then you can do some other troubleshooting steps.
If you think this is a driver issue, please try

Where do we see Ninite Firefox Installer.exe ?

Here is the list of instances that we see for the process: Ninite Firefox Installer.exe

  Path Product Name Vendor Version Size MD5
1 C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 2228C3224F6AAEC25E8B0317A7FE238A
2 C:\Users\username\Desktop\shiring\Nouveau\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 056CA4B357F06C44AC4E38C376D74CDF
3 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 709E779D4B3DA44A43440601F6E1817A
4 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 4F0D4BE70D26EC4153C8EC2FE0AB9FF1
5 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 F6400D3FA853A09ED7239F678790CA82
6 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 2CCA4DD929A4003BD51C0C0256D8F9CD
7 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 79AB844413BC084B5E590C721AE3E58F
8 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 64B9112CF4638553A6F9C09517157B50
9 D:\computer progams software\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 D6A3880B7CCCAC67AF239448939DAA3B
10 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 64B9112CF4638553A6F9C09517157B50
11 C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,742 26370 CD319CF22C22DCEF79EA13D25F92F144
12 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 8FC85F6B6FC2958E7FA8EFF6298E6AAA
13 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 BC9B7C0FCFA34F214609369C7EF526A0
14 C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 913F8456B5F4AB3DE601A46B142EAD26
15 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 CF70249D292CADB11092FEB95CCFE319
16 C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 BFA163BC6A3358EBC291AA586E1AE8F1
17 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\SG0X0DM9\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 DDA2AA17E278F570748E1CFFBCAE3F92
18 D:\My Documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 5AE9E53C5B48826CFB3FAE03CE20D85A
19 D:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 D31337BBE4F7237172AE324B07F2554B
20 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 BC10AB71B97A0D0F046B250B6733ACB5
21 \\\public\Apps\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 F669A4AA59747D3399267B0EC5739049
22 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\IYUD99HE\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 0B3FF172D6B1AC88AEDBAE0100DA65FB
23 C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 74662AD424833A697C6A755DD585553A
24 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 1D58E6E3723FAC8F66DBD5DDBA508753
25 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\K8CTNPLI\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 C1EFDB92E3FC3A0DD6B717BFFD555F9E
26 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 C06EEBFB0C121F866B26F147AC73F6D4
27 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\5FQTG0AX\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,836 27084 A1C27B8C05BC38131AD429A9C534AFE4
28 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,836 27084 300269DA2FB57EF3B95C2B19312B6F0B
29 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\WA2Q2LSJ\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,836 27084 596042C662014B29526778DB3A53B9CC
30 C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,836 27084 F3F4376B3E4884C0631905C46DFD234F
31 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\K6VVSBRW\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,865 27187 598399C99F6531B577D475E964057D35
32 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,865 27187 D814807C2957A5EC1FC2E2A9F1810CB8
33 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 6398229D62D06E69A75F61BC84CDF976
34 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 99D64C58DCECA1703190CFFEA17149A0
35 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 2ED12D12DB70FA2B35462558CBB1C9CB
36 F:\Softwares\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 5D62AB7C362149B72EAE70FD7B1C702D
37 C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 02239D970FAA3521C9DA9808FF0682FC
38 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\YP2XWA4F\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 B66DD89A170B4CC7C7927FCB75D13113
39 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Bureau\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 95C462AA4E49B16F314CFF5F8E876CE3
40 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 372091CAC39D39931689F6D511669F88
41 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 3D0C92C147827C63AD240BB51FE27437
42 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 E7E5CC5E319278C574F61F96018D2BCF
43 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 80D72C56058647B0770A93A694C319B1
44 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 956200CABA404CA7A589039AB6037057
45 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\IGN2J5K3\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 1DD66EB738930A1BE4994693A4D20A2C
46 F:\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 16571D970181CCFF767B04D750526690
47 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 A1C255C64B474A6E1C03AA82245B1907
48 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 1E4826926D5840A326BD03993C574161
49 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\LGYECT4K\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 8968E19DD20CEEC770220A5B60B45DD3
50 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 A105980D2571EF5329A278ADC8B70463
51 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 A3095CE9FFAE0CEA749011110EB4D5A7
52 E:\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,748 26575 0222EFAA12FC9B9AFA9EB40DC3420447
53 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,909 30566 D844CE37ED4E0688BF9286CEEEC7B59A
54 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Téléchargements\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 380D2A811B784EC8AD9CE6688A05A728
55 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 486C7E643BBEDC07A8C05E54DB1C6EF1
56 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 936C84BBBED2359A71C15CE111AF1CA8
57 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 B8CAE4D76E749E2CA735F226CB628E4A
58 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Meus documentos\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 347DE6D050DD1B0DF05F8528EF53B304
59 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 502E20802764B853A6DD5DF6CD0E0A08
60 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 F00FCD45B5A72E1BB38B5DB58A98C0B8
61 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 9CB84257E0AE7551F2FF48414CD8659E
62 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 F4FF573417477315A6DE68C22EB24130
63 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 50CD67A52CA6C0687A8F85FCDF2CD72C
64 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 A174A29CFE2B7B88B14A92A4DBA2D04C
65 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,986 30720 A939386D2F6CC1B825903642C429AAB2
66 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\VWCTKZOI\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1123 42248 2FA6D5671FACC1D5C1C5E26A42C38796
67 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1123 42248 4CCBB3785ADC29BEC072BB4FFFAFE6C4
68 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\CRWRX7R1\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1123 42248 A805EDB04ABC3AE6A5E7C7DC3487A291
69 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Mes documents\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1123 42248 F2D286733E5D8F1B1795B806A5682909
70 G:\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1123 42248 BAFAB475E297DE1A4F21575B11E9E20B
71 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\YMDJNZ73\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1123 42248 0EF94A14A94FC0D1C4BCD8FCE2306DBF
72 C:\Users\username\Desktop\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1123 42248 23077D30B993927F3DBCB74E48A83D22
73 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 B2D330986582F4BD8F862D632424CE01
74 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 A376CC100B74B0FCE9265229834F6634
75 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Programs\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 1A64C578AC52D7C6192F39C1571184F7
76 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 B594017FBD96C0A6744E50E2E524E18B
77 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 217ED36154586E8F77A3A15D658D1320
78 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 02CC9EF99DB710DE28DB1C7084524CD6
79 H:\Ninite\Web Browsers\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 33243 E327984E4755C74B431C2C785592575F
80 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 E10256C0FFB9232D6584AA6C83B4F1E9
81 H:\SOFT\Ninite\Web Browsers\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 BF612F5F9D1B09B2F97EFA5A5BAEA523
82 C:\Users\username\Desktop\Ninite\Ninite\Web Browsers\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 BF612F5F9D1B09B2F97EFA5A5BAEA523
83 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 BCBE3A5E07D65210E127CBFCD9C909F5
84 F:\SOFT\Ninite\Web Browsers\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,0,496 25415 BF612F5F9D1B09B2F97EFA5A5BAEA523
85 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 F6B1052DFD4503AD1F1A7C486F218D80
86 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\TDA3UT8W\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 DAEBC04DEAF08CFA40EA7B2048D2AA37
87 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 408DCADE4E01967133D3D771EBE116A6
88 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 D274CC830D8FB6EE9BC932F0A25769A0
89 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 425304 67735DBB9BE7BB7CDAA58B93F5BDCF1E
90 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 990D7BDE19924719EB0AB38548375A99
91 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\SE4ZAPZJ\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite Secure By Design Inc. 0,1,1,1183 42530 1FD22BAF27EEF6D338B45743EC29FD22
92 C:\Users\username\Downloads\installer\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 23698D36ED93AC37A28E7D3E793422DE
93 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 76AAC2DC412784A56F91D606327129B1
94 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\WJ42GT3P\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 425304 D4ED01039720D1F28A045EE856CB544B
95 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 60A69790B28C47BF3F5AF8A6539FA944
96 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 538C9B5B15B979FFB3BFA779B67F9865
97 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 6E24D1A11A59268555774D67E2E785AD
98 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 2E6D73676694B629BA934F2FA50DE06F
99 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 5F4DE7C7A1DA33E3B33A8B3AB8B7DBEB
100 C:\Users\username\Downloads\Ninite Firefox Installer.exe Ninite 0,1,1,1183 42530 A155504997B220B9126A13F7FEE2BD08

   Comments about this process:

By Andrew Woolfson 2014-03-05 23:54:03
Ninite Firefox Installer.exe has twice in the weeks been triggered as malicious by our paloalto nextgen firewall... investigating


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